Mata kuliah mengulas industri pelayaran global, evolusi rancangan kapal, tantangan keberlanjutan, pengelolaan biaya, dan kerangka hukum. Mata kuliah ini memberikan wawasan tentang teknologi dan rancangan kapal terkini, upaya ramah lingkungan, strategi pengelolaan biaya, dan peraturan keselamatan, lingkungan, dan operasional.

The course covers the global shipping industry, the evolution of ship design, sustainability challenges, cost management, and the legal framework. It provides insights into the latest technology and ship design, eco-friendly initiatives, cost management strategies, and regulations on safety, environment, and operations.

Main Reference: 

 Wijnolst, Niko, Tor Wergeland, and Kai Levander. Shipping innovation. IOS Press, 2009. 

 Support References: 

1. Papanikolaou, A. (2014). Ship design: methodologies of preliminary design. Springer. 

2. Schneekluth, Herbert, and Volker Bertram. Ship design for efficiency and economy. Vol. 218. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. 3. Watson, David GM. Practical ship design. Vol. 1. Elsevier, 2002.