Kapita Selekta (A)
Course data
RPS Kapita Selekta
Book of references
Section 1
Zoom Meeting
Book of References
Learning Plan and Contract
Lecture: KS MAR 01 Geomagnetism
Classwork: KS MAR 01 Geomagnetism
Classwork: KS MAR 01 Geomagnetism - CONTINUE
Section 2
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 02 Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 1
Classwork: KS MAR 02 CW Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 1
Classwork: KS MAR 02 CW Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 1 - CONTINUE
Section 3
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 03 Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 2
Classwork: KS MAR 03 CW Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 2
Classwork: KS MAR 03 CW Rudiments of Rock Magnetism 2 - CONTINUE
Section 4
Lecture: KS MAR 04 Frequency Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility
Classwork: KS MAR 04 CW Frequency Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility
Homework: KS MAR 04 HW Frequency Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility
Homework: KS MAR 04 HW Frequency Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility - CONTINUE
Section 5
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 05 Thermomagnetic
Homework: KS MAR 05 HW Thermomagnetic
Homework: KS MAR 05 HW Thermomagnetic - CONTINUE
Section 6
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 06 Hysteresis Loop
Homework: KS MAR 06 HW Hysteresis Loop
Section 7
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 07 Isothermal Remanent Magnetization
Homework: KS MAR 07 HW Isothermal Remanent Magnetization
Section 8
Zoom Meeting fo Mid Exam
Exam: KS Exam 1A
Lecture: KS MAR 08 Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization
Homework: KS MAR 08 HW Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization
Homework: KS MAR 08 HW Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization - CONTINUE
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 01 PA Paleomagnetic procedures
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 02 PA Analyzing vectors
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 03 PA Analyzing tensors
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 04 PA Paleomagnetic application
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 05 PA Elementary domain structures and hysteresis
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 06 PA Domain observations
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 07 PA Viscous and thermoviscous magnetization
Presentation Assignment: KS MAR 08 PA Isothermal magnetization and demagnetization
Section 9
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 09 Paleomagnetic Procedures
Classwork: KS MAR 05 CW Paleomagnetic procedures
Section 10
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 10 Analyzing Vectors
Classwork: KS MAR 06 CW Analyzing vectors
Section 11
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 11 Analyzing Tensor
Classwork: KS MAR 07 CW Analyzing tensors
Section 12
Lecture: KS MAR 12 Paleomagnetic Applications
Classwork: KS MAR 08 CW Paleomagnetic applications
Section 13
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 13 Elementary Domain Structures and Hysteresis
Classwork: KS MAR 09 CW Elementary domain structures and hysteresis
Section 14
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 14 Domain Observations
Classwork: KS MAR 10 CW Domain observations
Section 15
Zoom Meeting
Lecture: KS MAR 15 Viscous and Thermoviscous Magnetization
Classwork: KS MAR 11 CW Viscous and thermoviscous magnetization
Lecture: KS MAR 16 Isothermal Magnetization and Demagnetization
Classwork: KS MAR 12 CW Isothermal magnetization and demagnetization
Section 16
Zoom Meeting for Final Exam
Exam: KS Exam 2
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Fakultas Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan, dan Kebumian
Semester Gasal 2021/2022
Kapita Selekta (A)
Kapita Selekta (A)